H.U.G.G.S. Provides help for men and women who have been incarcerated
establish healthy, useful, and joyful lives in society, and prevent recidivism. We do this through counseling training, information, and financial assistance.
When Sherri Jackson, an ex-offender, was released from prison, she found so many doors closed and very little help from the community. It was apparent that ex-offenders needed help to find their way back into the community to be become active and productive citizens.
H.U.G.G.S is an acronym: Humility, Understanding, God, Grace and Spiritual Strength, It was founded by Ms. Jackson and became a non-profit organization in September of 2006, by December 2006, H.U.G.G.S. had 300 clients.
It has since grown into an established ex-offenders community program. It is a successful and empowering tool for our clients who diligently work the program.
PO BOX 210844
Nashville, TN 37221
(855) HUGGS TN
(855) 484-4786
Balancing Your Life Program Provides
Functional Skills:
We assist clients in areas of the home, family/parenting, employment, community involvement, health, and functional academics. We provide classes to help our clients become ready to look for work; interview skills, resume writing, and basic computer skills.
Social Skills:
This group is designed to facilitate interaction ad communication with others. It will assist participants in communicating, relating, and socializing with others appropriately using both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication. We provide weekly support group meetings and individual peer counseling to help them make the adjustment.
Life Skills:
Making informed decisions, solving problems, thinking critically and creatively,
communicating effectively, building healthy relationships, empathizing with others, confronting and
managing their lives in a healthy and productive manner, money management, food, preparation,
hygiene, and organizational skills. Ex-Offenders experience a number of difficulties as they try to the
basics of life in order. These basics include health care, food, clothing, housing, utilities, driver's license, and voting rights. We offer both information and financial assistance in these areas.
Balancing Your Life Addiction Recovery Skills Provides
Strategies and Techniques
Stages of Relapse
Group Support
Individual Support
Balancing Your Life Program Provides
Safety seeking skills
Motivational Interviewing Technique
Behavioral Cognitive
Approach Group
Sessions Individual Sessions
More programs become available as funding and support continues